Today’s the day! Make your website mobile friendly according to Google

What’s all the buzz about?

Today, Google sources say April 21st, 2015 is the day they’re rolling out a new algorithm that will help rank websites properly on mobile devices. Some blog authors feel that it will be a totally separate algorithm that will rank sites deemed mobile friendly on the mobile search engine results page; others say it will affect our current desktop rankings as well. We will have to wait and see whether it will be separate or not. But in the meantime, it is imperative that you take a good look at your website and see how mobile friendly it is. This process will be rolling out over the next few days. So keep checking the mobile search engine results page to see if your site has been indexed and listed.

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Understanding just enough … to be of service

advice, tips, support

Copyright: stuartphoto / 123RF Stock Photo

Well it is nice to be presented as an expert ( but truly in this day and age of the ever changing Internet, my definition of being an expert is perhaps, being able to stay one-to-two steps ahead of others, just enough to be able to explain and help others to understand. This is what my specialty is. Translating business requirements into workable strategic solutions to build your business or organization through means of technology and marketing.

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Best Practices for CTA (Call to Action) Buttons

Techniques to visually point people to take action

Visual cues for CTA - call to action buttons

A “CTA – call to action’s” main purpose is to get a visitor on your site/blog/social feed to do something. That something could be to “read more”, add product to shopping cart, download something, sign up or practically just about anything. Because of this, there are many factors that go into creating an effective call to action button or statement.

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How does CASL affect you?

CASL stands for Canada’s Anti-Spam Law which outlines new requirements and rules for how commercial electronic messages are being sent. It affects sending commercial purpose email to anyone in Canada, even if you are located elsewhere. As well, it also applies to social networks direct messaging services like LinkedIn In Mail, Twitter DMs, and facebook messaging, Google+ email.

So what are some of the rules? (Applies to both commercial profit, non-profits and charitable organizations)

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Google+ is the new Google – which is the Internet!

Google+ is your number one marketing tool across the Internet, that is my opinion. This week on Wednesday May 7th at 12 noon I will be speaking to the BCX Downtown Toronto networking group about how Google+ can be your greatest promotion, publishing, productivity and social engagement tool through powerful communities. Google+ is the new GOOGLE. It is not just a substitute for Facebook, it is more robust and the key attribute is the integration of the products that increases your overall productivity, improves your access to your customers/suppliers and opens doors to building lasting and resourcesful relationships with those whom you choose to do business or socialize with.

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Friday Funnies – Who ate my breadcrumbs?

For this Friday’s funny I put together a little cartoon that ties in with Who Ate My Breadcrumbs? article. I hope you enjoy!

Who ate my breadcrumbs?

This month’s theme topic is Website Features, so this blog post will be covering a feature that many sites still implement in their websites to give a more robust user experience for finding your important information.

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